Your payment or co-pay is due at the commencement of each session. Please remember to bring this with you to every session as I have a strict "no pay, no stay" policy.
Services such as telephone conversations, report writing/reading, consultation with other professionals, release of information, and extended sessions will be charged at the standard fee rate unless otherwise agreed upon.
Clients who carry insurance should note that professional services listed on this website are rendered and charged to the client. The services are not charged to the insurance company; only the session fee is charged to the insurance company or EAP.
Clients are personally responsible for the payment of all charges. Payment for any session fees denied or not covered by a client’s insurance company is the client’s responsibility.
Many clients elect to file third party insurance coverage, such as Medicare, for services rendered. As a courtesy, I will file only primary insurance claims for clients, provided the client authorizes me to do so. The client must also provide me with the necessary information for filing such claims.
Filing claims to a client’s secondary insurance company is the client’s responsibility. Plans and secondary insurance companies often require initial precertification of care before clients can use their benefits. It is the client’s responsibility to make sure he/she meets precertification requirements.
Clients who have provided inaccurate primary insurance information are still financially responsible and must pay the full session fee and address any concerns with their insurance company.
I agree to file primary insurance claims but if the client’s insurance status has changed, lapsed, or been denied coverage, the client is still responsible for the treatment fees in full.