laurel hicks
Laurel Hicks, LCSW, LLC
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
2680 E. Main Street
Plainfield, IN 46168
Ph: (317) 966-8366
FAX: (317) 838-5629

Adoption / Fertility
The decision to become a parent is supposed to be joyful and exciting. Many couples and individuals experience difficulty with the pursuit to become a parent. In fact, the emotional struggle can seem long and grueling.
Infertility can be overwhelming and de-humanizing. Some infertility treatments can cause depression and anxiety. If you find that infertility and/or adoption issues are taking over your life, please consider seeking therapy.
There are so many ways to become a parent. Whether you are trying to conceive, considering egg, sperm, or embryo donation, surrogacy or adoption, chances are likely you need extra support during this time. Counseling is strongly encouraged for all couples and individuals during their quest for a baby.
Perhaps you’re not feeling particularly depressed, anxious or desperate to become a parent. But you feel like you could use more support, someone to talk to who can give you more tools for coping.
You don’t have to wait until you’re feeling so overwhelmed that you truly are depressed and having anxiety attacks.
Unfortunately, seeing a mental health therapist is considered a sign of weakness by some people. The thinking goes that if only you were strong enough (whatever that means), then you wouldn’t need help with coping.
This just is not true. Strong people, in my opinion, know when they need extra support. Seeing a therapist is nothing to be ashamed of. You do not have to go through the infertility journey alone and without help.
If you could use extra support, please don’t hesitate to reach out.